New Delhi : Digital PTM was organised by Little Flowers Group of Schools Delhi – An initiative to fulfill the important part of regular schooling
लिटिल फ्लावर्स ग्रुप ऑफ स्कूल्स द्वारा आयोजित की गयी डिजिटल (ऑनलाइन) PTM – नियमित स्कूली शिक्षा के महत्वपूर्ण भाग को पूरा करने के लिए एक सकारात्मक पहल !
Moving on the path of e-learning programme, Little Flowers Group of Schools moved pass one more milestone by organising online PTM on 2nd May,2020. Believing that good two way communication between parents and school is always necessary for the success and progress of students, this meeting was scheduled.
The PTM focused on resolving the issues faced by parents during online classes as well as ensuring their active and engaging role at the time of online classes. Future plans regarding online tests,fitness classes ,Foundation Day Celebration were also unraveled.
An enthralled welcome note was delivered by parents to school unanimously for arranging online classes and making learning possible in tough time.
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