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Monday, February 3, 2025

Luton primary school ‘requires improvement’

UncategorizedLuton primary school 'requires improvement'

Officers from Ofsted inspected the school in Dallow Road, Luton, in December, it was rated as ‘requires improvement’ for the quality of education and ‘good’ for behaviors and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management, the overall rating was ‘requires improvement’.
In the Ofsted report, which was published on Wednesday, January 15, it says: “Teachers do not have a consistently strong knowledge of some subjects and how to teach them. This means that they do not deliver the curriculum in line with leaders’ high expectations.
“Pupils do not achieve as well as they should. Leaders need to continue to develop teachers’ ability to consistently deliver the curriculum well so that they: build on pupils’ prior learning; address the needs of different groups of pupils; and deepen pupils’ knowledge and skills in all subjects.
“Pupils who struggle with their reading or who are new to the school and speak little or no English are not taught to read effectively. Leaders’ plans are well underway to address this through the introduction of a new phonics curriculum. Leaders should ensure that this curriculum is implemented effectively and that adults have detailed subject knowledge of phonics and reading and how to teach them well.
“Leaders are not aware that some classroom provision for pupils with SEND does not always match pupils’ ability level. This means that tasks are too hard for some pupils to complete. Leaders should check that teachers are designing and providing appropriate activities that develop the knowledge and skills of pupils with SEND and also promote their independence.”
The primary school was rated as ‘good’ in three areas of the report.
The report said: “This is a welcoming and inclusive school. Pupils attend regularly and enjoy learning. One pupil commented ‘Our school is a good place to learn.’
“Pupils feel safe and are kept safe. They told inspectors they can talk to adults if they are feeling unhappy or worried about anything.
“Pupils celebrate differences within and outside the school community. Parents are positive about the school and appreciate the availability of leaders and the staff team.
“Leaders have designed an ambitious and interesting curriculum. It is capably planned so that pupils build up skills and knowledge over time. However, teachers do not consistently deliver these plans effectively in all subjects. As a result, pupils do not achieve as well as they could.
“Leaders are focused on improving the quality of the education provided by the school so that pupils’ achievement is better.


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